Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Change of Heart
I do believe people can change if something has a great effect on someone. It has had happened to me a couple of times before, I change my whole perspective on things and changes me as a person. When me and my x-girlfriend broke up it was because we didnt go to the same school and we lived different lives and she was tired of me partying every weekend. I changed after that I dont party every weekend like I use to, because of what I do does effect other people and how the feel about you.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
getting involved in countries affairs
same as getting involved in other people's business. Getting involved in a countries business is completely different. Usually we only get involved in countries affairs when it has to do with land or items, such as gas, oil , or other goods. Wars are mainly started by other countries trying to help them, and the country doesn't want help. It is hard to help a country such as Iraq, because they have been at war with each other forever. If a country has been at war for so long that's got to give you a hint, that they are probably not going to stop fighting and that we should back off.
Monday, November 12, 2007
when to get involved
I only get in someone's business when it is needed, if i see someone that need's to realize what they are doing i will get involved. But other than that I will stay out of someones business, and its only my business when it effects me and eveyone around me. Because it aint worth my time to help some one that dosnt want help. If some one is doing something stuiped that also is another reason to tell them, hey you need to realize what your doing to yourself and others.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The soldier's of the south took our cow/ there is nothing to eat what are we going to have now/ i thought I was a man and that I was tough/ but i haven't seen times like these and they are rough/ the things that we have we give to the soldiers/ boy i can wait till this war is over.
grandma told me that i should join the army/ then pa told me go ahead if you can live threw the cold and almost starving/ i sit on a quite day on the porch/ my ma told me to gather my things we are leaving tonight with no sun light just a torch/
i am sad that i had to leave all of my friends/ now i know how it feels, those poor Indians/ i think about why we shouldn't turn back/ but we are going to a new life and it must stay on track/ i have some cloths the ones that i am wearing/ the hooves of the horse and the ground is tarring/
there was no food to eat and nothing to wear/ all i knew is ma and pa said we had to get out of here/ i would have had stayed if it where my choice/ but i will never forget where we where from because i still have my southern voice.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
the rich
Sometime's I do envey the richest and the wealthiest people in our nation. Mainly because they have so much money and I wish I could have it. They have so much money that they could donate it to people that really need it. I am not saying that they dont deserve it, because most of the wealthy people in our country earned what they have by working hard for it. But there are some people that don't deserve the money that they have because they live off of there family's wealth. There are some nice and generouse rich people that I know, but at the same time there are rich people that I know who's children are spoiled and they don't know the value of things, such as taking pride in what they have. So I would say there are different type's of wealthy and rich people.
Monday, October 29, 2007

No words of the battle can explain/ all of the blood that was lost because of one mans name/ a soldier named ruffin/ who was mad about smoothin/
a rifle that was nothin/ soon turned into Armin/ neither side is bluffin/ because the cannons are boomin and the blood is porin/
none of this would of happened if it weren't for a soldier named ruffin/ crossed bars and stars is what we had/ no longer the south now stands a union flag/ I wonder when that shot was fired what ruffin was thinkin/ but now we have ben declared war on because of Abraham Lincoln
on April 12 eighteen sixty one/ the shot at fort Sumter had the war begun, He left from Virgina because they weren't the first to secede/but he didn't know how many of his southern brothers where going to bleed/ the south quickly became very poor/ this is all because of the civil war/
if it weren't for a soldier named ruffin, the world might have not been the same/ but because of something ruffin is why we remember his name/ the south was defeated by the north we wanted to win at all cost/ but we will never forget how many people were lost/ if it weren't for a soldier named ruffin...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
me and my ex-girlfriend use to get in alot of fights, mainly because of distance, she whent to cedar schoals and i got to classic city. We both wanted to be with each other but we slowly grew apart from each other, i still talk to my ex girlfriend daily and wish things can work out between us. It has affected me alot and has affected her as well, i feel empty at times and lonly. Sometimes i feel like i dont have anyone to talk to because she was the one i called for help. But i lost a good friend because of switching school's, but i think it was worth it in the long run.
Monday, September 24, 2007
growing up
Growing up can be fun, but it can also be very painful. There are allot of thing's that I have learned as a child, a teen and a young adult. When I was a kid i had fun, made friends and was learning as much as I could. My family was very important to me, my father left when I was two years old, i have learned allot from him. Allot of people don't see how you can learn from some one if they weren't there. And that is my point, I learned to be there for some one and if I were to have a family I would want to be apart of it. Me and my sister never really got along when I was little, but i was a kid and probablly got on her nervs. Me and my sister get along, now that we are both some what mature. School has to be my favorite memory, only because i have learned things even though i can be hard headed at times. I have made many friends and lost many friends, but all was an expreiance i will never forget. The hardest time of my life was when i was in school, my 8th and 9th grade year. In 8th grade my great grandmother and my grandmother died in the same month. My oldest brother died in the army, during the summer (R.I.P KJ) he was my step brother but i knew him since i was a child and he was family. My youngest brother passed away in hatch germany, me and him where walking home from school and we were shot at in a drive by. Then me and my sister mooved to the united states and i have lived here ever since. So there alot of things that has happend in my life in not too much of time. But life goes on and lessons are learned, the quote of my life: by kieko johnson "there is no such thing as some one being a failure, just choices waiting to be made". In a way, I made myself grow up, because my family was never there to help me.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
boston tea party
When I read this I thought to myself that the revolutionary era was very tense. I didnt like the fact that the british where doing things behind there back without knowing.the boston tea party showed me that they where mad about what theBritish where doing.What surprised me most was the bravery of all the people and how they rebelled. Especially rebelling knowing that they would have been killed if caught. I also thought it was cool how they had like two different lives, when they would come home they wouldnt talk about it.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
would i join the revolutionary
yes i would join a revolutionary, because if the government was not doing what they claimed to do than i would rebel against what they where doing, i would stand up for my rights and my freedom. the reason why i would join is because i wouldn't whant to be taxed for something that i had nothing to do with, for example the stamp act i would not want to be taxed for a war that i had no part in. I also don't believe in paying debt that is not mine, The british can pay for there own war and debt. So my answer is still the same i would join a revolution to stand up for myself and other's for a reason that is worth it.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Would you stay or would you go?
I would not go i would be just fine where i am now. Just because of the technology that we have today such as car's and phones. if i where to go back and live in that time i wouldn' know what to do, and it would be a completly different life stlye. I would be so use to the music that i lisn to, and using computers daily, and being able to stay in touch with my friends with my cell phone.
Incidents in the life of a slave girl (Harriet Jacobs)
I learned that it was very different from today than when there was slavery and that people bought people to work. it's just crazy how some one can work for a whole year and only get like 200 dollars. And that people worked that hard and not getting paid that low of a income. Now that i have read what i have read i feel bad that people where treated so badly and paid so little.
purposes of the government
My 5 reason's why the government is important is because they secure our nation. What do i mean by secure our nation is i mean that they protect us daily from threat's and terrorest and potential war's. Also the government enforces our laws, if we didn't have laws we would have murderers running around we would have major drug problem's and it would just cause a big mess. The government also gives you a chance to better your self , gives you job's so that you can make money so the government actually does alot for us.The gorvernment also enforces that we american's should be educated and have school for us to learn. Health Care is also apart of the government in case you are in a accident or you get hurt you will be able to take care of yourself. And finally the most important thing to me is the goverment gives you a chance to be proud of your county and protect your freedom such as joining the us army, navy or marines, so i would say the government does alot for us.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Assignment 2
I would move to a place for freedom, because freedom is so important for what you can do for yourself. If you are told what to do or what to think there is nothing to you can do for yourself. So if i would move to a place, i would make sure that i would have my freedom. That is why i love the united states, mainly because we have the right to do what we want. there are laws but the laws are resonable, and they keep us safe.That is why our freedom is important.
Assignment 1
What i think about imigrant coming to the united states is that they can gain alot, but at the same time they can also loose alot. I should know this myself i am and was born in Hatch, Germany. My brotber passed away when i was 13 and i started smoking ciggerets because my sister did it, and I thought it was okay. Then we moved to the united states, and i lost the right to buy ciggerets and that i had to be 18 to purchase them. So you can loose some rights and you can gain alot. But as i see it the laws are watching after use for a reason. I havent smoked since i mooved here almost 3 years ago. I encourage imigrants to come to the United States because you can start a new life and hafe more opportunaties than before.
Monday, August 13, 2007
first impressions of blogger
i think blogger will be real fun a little bit different from a normal class. It should be exciting to learn new things a new way at the same time having fun doing it. I am looking forward to this school year and think this class will be fun. The blogger site is a good way to have fun. I am still learning how to use blogger, but over time it should be easier and funner to use.
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